How Much Better Is Solar Than Conventional Energy Sources?


People use fossil fuels because they are cheap and easy to access. Due to their finite global supply, experts do not count fossil fuels as renewable energy sources. But solar power is sustainable forever because it uses the sun’s rays.

We can count on the sun to continue shining for the foreseeable future, and it can be accessed anywhere on Earth.

The amount of daylight we experience, however, varies greatly depending on latitude, season, and other environmental factors. Having a south-facing roof is preferable in Higher Latitudes, for example.

But even if your roof is shaded for much of the day, solar panels may still be a good option for you.

Solar energy, like any other form of energy, has its advantages and disadvantages. Solar energy’s primary drawbacks are its high initial costs and low energy density.

The lower power density is not a major issue, though; it simply necessitates more solar panels to produce the same amount of power.

Because only certain wavelengths of light hitting a solar panel can be transformed into electrical energy, the science of the panel limits the amount of energy that can be harvested from the sun.

Even if fossil fuels appear cheaper than solar energy options, their health, environmental, and economic costs outweigh their value.

What Exactly Is Solar Power?

The term “solar energy” refers to power derived from the sun’s radiation.

The generation of solar power involves the use of solar radiation to generate electricity or heat fluids or solids.

Hydrogen and other solar fuels can be produced using only the sun’s rays.

By the end of the decade, solar installations had surpassed 700 GW worldwide, providing enough power to meet about 3% of the world’s total demand for electricity.

Recent rapid cost reductions have made solar PV energy the fastest-growing source of new electricity generation worldwide. The LCOE for large-scale solar systems around the world has decreased by 85% between 2010 and 2019.

It’s a Cost-Free Way to Produce Energy

You can get the vast majority of your energy needs met by the sun, and it’s completely free. In just one minute, it can generate enough energy to meet the global need for electricity for an entire year.

Sustainable and infinite, renewable energy sources like the sun are the future of the energy industry.

Solar energy is a naturally occurring alternative energy resource, just like biomass, wind, and water. It can assist in powering your home efficiently while also supplying clean electricity.

When you turn on your solar cells, you can start saving money almost immediately.

The long-term benefits of solar energy are where they really shine. The longer you keep your solar panels operational, the more money you will save on your monthly energy costs.

Using solar energy, as well as other alternative energy sources, can help your place become more energy efficient while reducing your bills.

Solar energy is a viable alternative to traditional electricity for house heating. You can get free hot water for your home by installing a solar thermal system.

Aside from its obvious financial benefits, the system’s little upkeep makes it a great purchase for the average homeowner.

Use of Undeveloped Property

The rising need for solar energy in the modern world means that the installation of solar panels in private residences is becoming increasingly affordable.

Solar power not only makes good use of unused land but also has the potential to significantly increase the value of the surrounding area.

A lot of the world’s countries have huge swaths of countryside that are isolated from major urban centres. There may be no purpose for most of these spaces at all.

However, by placing solar PV Panels on the land, solar energy may make better use of this unused space.

Solar farms are large, distributed solar arrays that feed electricity into the power grid; they are also known as photovoltaic power stations.

The major goal of setting up solar farms is to ensure that every household has access to reliable and affordable electricity, regardless of whether or not individual households choose to instal solar panels.

It’s Beneficial to Nature

Using solar energy to power your home can be an excellent environmental choice. Using solar energy is a great step in lessening your impact on the planet’s atmosphere.

It also doesn’t contribute to global warming or produce any harmful byproducts.

To put it simply, solar energy doesn’t need to be backed up by any other source. One easy and secure method to contribute to a more sustainable future is to set up your roof with solar panels.

Solar power is another viable alternative energy option that offers both environmental and financial benefits.

How Does Solar Energy Function?

Solar power technology is classified into two types: photovoltaic and thermal.

Photovoltaic Solar

Semiconductor cells, or solar PV cells, are used in solar photovoltaics to transform sunlight directly into electricity.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) cells are the most common type, and the most common solar panels consist of PV cells enclosed in glass and framed in aluminium.

A single panel can be used to light a single bulb, a whole house’s roof can be covered with panels for residential usage, or hundreds of thousands of panels can be built into a solar farm to provide tonnes of megawatts of power.

While solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are now the most common type of PV technology, others are being created for specific purposes.

These include Photovoltaic that can be fitted into buildings, PV that is flexible, and even PV paint.


Through the use of solar thermal technology, sunlight is transformed into heat (thermal energy), which may then be put to use in a number of ways, including the generation of steam to power an electric generator.

In order to offer cooling from the sun, this energy can power a refrigeration cycle.

In the solar thermal field, two primary categories exist.

  1. Space and liquid are heated using small-scale thermal technology (such as in a hot water solar system).
  2. The concentrated solar thermal system uses the sun’s heat to generate electricity on a massive scale. A receiver collects the sun’s rays after they have been reflected by a field of mirrors, and then the heat is transferred to a storage system for thermal energy. The stored energy can be drawn from whenever it is needed.

Difference in Prices Between Solar Energy and Traditional Fuels

While the upfront costs of switching to solar may seem high, the savings over time more than makeup for them. The price per kilowatt-hour for power generated by burning fossil fuels ranges from 5 cents to 17 cents.

The price of solar power, on average, is decreasing at a rate of 3 to 6 cents per kilowatt-hour.

The good news is that the price of solar panels has dropped by more than 20% over the past 5 years and is only expected to go lower from here.

A solar energy system, once set up, requires little in the way of upkeep and is inexpensive. It’s possible that homeowners could earn money by selling extra energy generated by their solar panels back to the utility company.

However, the initial cost of a solar panel system can be quite high. Although solar panels can reduce utility bills in the long run, not everyone can afford to pay for them upfront.

Numerous solar energy providers now offer leasing and solar funding plans to help customers with the high initial cost of installing solar panels.

Research is necessary to achieve a low-maintenance structure with maximum energy as well as minimum costs.

  1. The first step is to calculate the optimal size of the system. This is not a straightforward calculation, but it must be made.
  2. Explore the options for selling excess solar energy back to your utility company.
  3. Instead of sending extra power to the utility company, think about installing a battery storage system. In some cases, battery storage may be more economical than having the utility company buy back solar energy at the same rate at which they sell electricity. If the batteries die, you can always rely on the grid for power.
  4. It may be possible to significantly lower the overall cost of installation by applying for and receiving grants from federal, state, and utility organisations.
  5. There is a wide range of possible energy output from a solar power system. The output of solar panels is sensitive to any obstructions that prevent sunlight from reaching them. The effectiveness of a panel can be diminished by factors such as dirt and dust, insufficient sunlight, and an unfavourable orientation. Many solar panels have built-in self-cleaning mechanisms, and others can be adjusted to follow the sun’s path throughout the day, increasing the power they generate.
  6. In an ideal world, you’d plan for and instal a photovoltaic system that pays for itself in two to three years, at which point your energy costs would have dropped to nearly zero.

How Do We Collect Sunlight for Use as Energy?

Dormana solar panel installation

In about an hour, Earth absorbs enough solar energy to fuel the entire world’s economy and infrastructure for an entire year.

Passive solar heating is what happens when sunlight enters a building through windows. However, solar panels are required to convert the energy from the sun into a form that can be used inside the home.

Photovoltaic (PV) cells, the building blocks of solar panels, transform sunlight into usable electricity. An array of solar panels collects the sun’s rays to power an electrical system and charge solar batteries.

Batteries and an electrical management system work together to keep things running after dark or to cancel out peak demand.

Around twenty per cent of the sun’s energy is converted by a solar panel. The panel generates DC power, which is then converted by an inverter to an AC current.

The electrical connection to grid-based or battery-based storage systems is intricate. Ask the solar panel installation company lots of questions, and consider hiring electrical consultants to double-check the work and help you save money.

Despite its many environmental benefits, solar power still has its drawbacks.

For example, the transportation of solar panel systems adds to the overall amount of glasshouse gases released into the atmosphere. In spite of this, solar energy’s impact on the environment is negligible when compared to that of fossil fuels.

What Is the Origin of Fossil Fuels?

Coal, natural gas, and crude oil are the three most common forms of fossil fuels used today. These fuels form through a slow and natural process, but that process takes a while.

Fossil fuels are not actually made of fossils; rather, they are the stored energy of organisms that became buried over millions of years. To become what we call fossil fuels, buried organisms must undergo anaerobic decomposition for several hundred million years.

It is very expensive to extract these fossil fuels from the ground, either through mining or drilling. To get at the energy stored in fossil fuels, we have to burn them, which disrupts the bonds between the atoms.

The Pros and Cons of Fossil Fuels

Our advanced ability to convert fossil fuels to usable energy is their primary benefit. Historically, fossil fuels, which are not renewable, have been widely available and relied upon for power generation. For centuries, we’ve been refining our technique.

Fossil fuels have countless practical applications, but their drawbacks are also difficult to dismiss. Burning fossil fuels releases a very large amount of carbon into the atmosphere, making them a major cause of climate change.

The extraction and transport of fossil fuels also carry the risk of catastrophic incidents.

We have very little wiggle room left as we rapidly deplete fossil fuels at a rate that far outstrips their replacement.

This means that within the next decade, the cost of solar energy is expected to surpass that of coal, one of the most prevalent fossil fuels.

What Makes Solar Power Superior to Traditional Energy Sources?

When comparing the effects on the environment of solar power and fossil fuels, solar is the clear winner.

The energy density (the quantity of stored energy for every unit of volume) of oil, coal, and natural gas is higher than that of solar power, which is why many consumers favour them.

But if you buy a battery to store your solar energy, you can use it even when the sun isn’t shining, which is a big help for reliability.

FAQs About Solar Panels

How Long Is a Solar Panel Warranty?

What is a solar panel warranty? A solar panel has two warranties: a performance and equipment guarantee.

A solar panel’s performance warranty will typically guarantee 90% production at 10 years and 80% at 25 years. An equipment warranty will typically guarantee 10-12 years without failing.

How Long Is a Typical Solar Panel Lifetime?

25 years. Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic or PV panels, are made to last more than 25 years. In fact, many solar panels installed as early as the 1980s are still working at expected capacity

What Happens to Solar Panels After 10 Years?

A panel with a degradation rate of 1% per year will be 10% less efficient after 10 years. In fact, 78% of systems tested had a degradation rate of less than 1% per year. That means that after 25 years of use, about 4 out of 5 solar panels still operate at 75% efficiency or better.

What Happens to a Solar Panel After 25 Years?

Most solar panel companies will provide a standard 25-year warranty for the expected life expectancy of the solar panels. After 25 years, your solar panels won’t necessarily need to be replaced; however, their ability to absorb sunlight will be reduced.

Are Solar Panels With Battery Worth It?

Solar batteries reduce your dependency on the National Grid electricity you use and enable you to store the energy that your solar panels generate. They also enable you to use the electricity that you’ve generated during cloudy days or even at nighttime; this can save you further costs on your energy bills.


Since there is a finite amount of fossil fuels, they are not considered renewable energy by experts. Since solar energy harnesses the sun’s constant supply of rays, it will last forever.

Total global solar capacity has now surpassed 700 GW, producing enough energy to meet about 3% of current global electricity demand.

Solar energy can be used to heat homes instead of conventional electricity. It can help provide clean electricity while also assisting in the efficient operation of your home’s electrical systems.

Use of otherwise underutilised land is just one of the many benefits of solar power, which can also help you save money on your monthly energy bills and raise the value of the surrounding area. Most solar cells today are solar photovoltaic (PV) cells.

The sun’s heat is harnessed through solar thermal technology to produce electricity on a grand scale. A solar farm can be constructed out of hundreds of thousands of panels, producing megawatts of energy. With the high up-front cost of installing solar panels, many solar energy companies now offer leasing and solar funding plans to help customers.

A photovoltaic system would pay for itself in two to three years, at which point your energy costs would have dropped to nearly zero.

When organisms die and become fossilised over millions of years, they store their energy underground. The glasshouse gas emissions from transporting solar panel systems are cumulative.

When compared to the use of fossil fuels, the environmental impact of solar energy is minimal. In terms of efficiency at producing usable energy from fossil fuels, solar power is superior to fossil fuels.

Content Summary

  • But solar power is sustainable forever because it uses the sun’s rays.
  • Solar energy, like any other form of energy, has its advantages and disadvantages.
  • Solar energy’s primary drawbacks are its high initial costs and low energy density.
  • The longer you keep your solar panels operational, the more money you will save on your monthly energy costs.
  • Solar energy is a viable alternative to traditional electricity for house heating.
  • You can get free hot water for your home by installing a solar thermal system.
  • Solar power not only makes good use of unused land but also has the potential to significantly increase the value of the surrounding area.
  • However, by placing solar PV Panels on the land, solar energy may make better use of this unused space.
  • The concentrated solar thermal system uses the sun’s heat to generate electricity on a massive scale.
  • The good news is that the price of solar panels has dropped by more than 20% over the past 5 years and is only expected to go lower from here.
  • A solar energy system, once set up, requires little in the way of upkeep and is inexpensive.
  • The first step is to calculate the optimal size of the system.
  • Explore the options for selling excess solar energy back to your utility company.
  • Instead of sending extra power to the utility company, think about installing a battery storage system.
  • There is a wide range of possible energy output from a solar power system.
  • The electrical connection to grid-based or battery-based storage systems is intricate.
  • Ask the solar panel installation company lots of questions, and consider hiring electrical consultants to double-check the work and help you save money.
  • Despite its many environmental benefits, solar power still has its drawbacks.
  • For example, the transportation of solar panel systems adds to the overall amount of glasshouse gases released into the atmosphere.
  • In spite of this, solar energy’s impact on the environment is negligible when compared to that of fossil fuels.
  • To get at the energy stored in fossil fuels, we have to burn them, which disrupts the bonds between the atoms.
  • Our advanced ability to convert fossil fuels to usable energy is their primary benefit.
  • Burning fossil fuels releases a very large amount of carbon into the atmosphere, making them a major cause of climate change.
  • This means that within the next decade, the cost of solar energy is expected to surpass that of coal, one of the most prevalent fossil fuels.
  • When comparing the effects on the environment of solar power and fossil fuels, solar is the clear winner.
  • But if you buy a battery to store your solar energy, you can use it even when the sun isn’t shining, which is a big help for reliability.

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